Tuesday, December 28, 2010

New post on How To's

Hello, everyone!! I just posted a new "How-To" about making Christmas Wreaths (or for any other holiday, for that matter) using plastic water bottles. Quick & easy!!!Go check it out!!

Sunday, December 26, 2010

...and God bless us, everyone!!!

I know I haven't posted in a loooong time, but I'm still here! Seems like I had a second bout of Dengue Fever, even milder, but still, not good. Now, as the year ends, I want to thank all those who have visited this humble blog, and I wish you all a very happy new year.

My resolution for this coming year: to post more often, I hope...8-)

May you enjoy all the blessings Father in Heaven has for you, and may you continue being a blessing to others.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

About the homeless...

Here in Puerto Rico we have homeless, of course, and beggars in the streets. I didn't remember, however, or hadn't realized, how difficult life is for these souls once fall and winter begin. While I was in Washington, the temperature dropped to around 45 degrees F. I was warm and comfy with my crocheted cowl, beret, and mittens. Not so the homeless I saw.

It must really be hard to live like that when temperatures drop to freezing. In our nation's capital I saw men and women sleeping on benches, under trees, and almost anywhere. Not too many, but one IS too many. I didn't feel comfortable. However, when I was to give them some of my warm articles, I coudn't find any. Weird.

Anyway, this holiday season, think about donating warm hats, mittens, socks, scarves, etc, to local shelters, or to the people you see down the street. It's only the Christian thing to do.

Friday, November 5, 2010

DC & back...

So many thoughts crossed my mind as I boarded the plane that would take me first to Miami then to Washington DC. The excitement of seeing my husband again, whom I hadn't seen for a full day, and seeing DC in the fall. I also wondered and prayed that my mom would be well taken care of.
The flight to Miami was calm & normal. I was able to crochet four scrunchies. The flight to DC was totally different. The last hour of the flight was almost full of moderate turbulence...not nice. Here's a picture of what that looks like:
Yep, that's what turbulence looks like. A large, white fluff. Which means buckle up & go to sleep. I tried to go to sleep, but had a small child behind me kicking my backrest. Not good...
Anyway, as we approached DC, the landscape was more visible. What do you know?, I was able to see trees of all colors ! So gorgeous!
You will be able to see more pics on my Flicker & on Picasa sites. To be continued...

Friday, October 22, 2010

About a trip coming up...

ok, so my hubby & I are going to Washington, DC this coming week. He has meetings with federal people over there, and I am going to enjoy DC in the fall. I have to admit it, heck, I have never denied it! I love DC!!!!!!!! I love the monuments, the museums, the celebrations, etc. The more I go, the more I love it...8-) So...to get ready for that wonderful trip, I crocheted myself a cowl (no pics yet because I can't find my camera...8-( I already have a hat and some fingerless gloves. I also have some berets & scarves. The good thing about all this is that, once I come back to PR, I can unravel everything and use the yarn all over again...hehe This time I plan on going to the Discovery building, the National Geographic museum, the Holocaust museum, the National Cathedral, the Vietnam wall, and of course, the Washington,DC LDS Temple. That, is the highlight of the trip. I can't get enough pictures of the place, & going through is such an experience that can only be compared with Heaven itself. So, if any of you is in DC next week, and spot a Puertorican with all her knitted/crocheted stuff on, that's probably me! So come and say hi, I will probably look at you wierd, but if you identify yourself as a follower of my blog, I'll mellow down. hehe

See you there!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

All better now!

So it all turned out to be Dengue Fever! Not nice!!!! It was a mild case, anyway, but still... Now I feel better, but get tired easily. Couldn't even go feed the sheep & chickens for a week! Never get bitten by a mosquito! I thought I hadn't, but obviously I had...hehe I have already started adding my Sunday talks, but only one is in English. 8-) Take care, until next time...

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Not feeling too good...

Last night, while watching Dancing with the Stars, the Result, I started to get a fever. By midnight it was over 100 degrees F (around 38 degrees C). Every single joint in my body hurts, even my eyeballs hurt. So, I'll let you know if it is Dengue or the Flu. Both have similar symptoms. I have a baby chicken...could it be Bird Flu? 8-P I'll go to bed now. The back of my neck hurts...

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Rain, rain...

For the last few days we have been having a lot of rain, due to TS Otto. Although it isn't going through our island, the rainbands are covering us like a bridal veil...(8-)) So far today there have been many rivers that have broken their bands, complete communities are incommunicated, etc. Let's see what tomorrow brings. Hope your night is good. 8-D

Monday, September 27, 2010

Happy Autumn!!

And happy birthday to meee!!! hehe It is 4:58 p.m. & I just came from feeding the sheep and the chickens. JUST IN TIME!!!!! This huge rain started falling as soon as I changed my shoes back to "indoor" shoes. Whew!! Nice rain. I really like rain even if large mud puddles form and my "outdoor" shoes get all muddy and yucky on my way to collecting the eggs. Well, that's why they are "outdoor" shoes... ooops, gotta go...hubby's here...hehe 8-D

Thursday, September 23, 2010

The Price of Integrity

"Some 30 years ago, while working in the corporate world, some business associates and I were passing through O'Hare Airport in Chicago, Illinois. One of these men had just sold his company for tens of millions of dollars--in other words, he was not poor.

"As we were passing a newspaper vending machine, this individual put a quarter in the machine, opened the door to the stack of papers inside the machine, and began dispensing unpaid-for newspapers to each of us. When he handed me a newspaper, I put a quarter in the machine and, trying not to offend but to make a point, jokingly said, 'Jim, for 25 cents I can maintain my integrity. A dollar, questionable, but 25 cents--no, not for 25 cents.' You see, I remembered well the experience of three towels and a broken-down 1941 Hudson. A few minutes later we passed the same newspaper vending machine. I noticed that Jim had broken away from our group and was stuffing quarters in the vending machine. I tell you this incident not to portray myself as an unusual example of honesty, but only to emphasize the lessons of three towels and a 25-cent newspaper.

"There will never be honesty in the business world, in the schools, in the home, or anyplace else until there is honesty in the heart."

Richard C. Edgley, "Three Towels and a 25-cent Newspaper," Ensign, Nov. 2006, 73-74

New Page

As you might have noticed, I have begun a new page that will include Sunday talks. Please stop by & take a look. 8-)

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

...On Being an Artisan...

Last Friday I went again to this hospital where every Friday is held an artisan fair. This time, it was NOT a good day. I have to pay US$25.00 for having my table set up on the hospital lobby. Parking was $2.00 for the whole day. I only sold a cellphone cozy for $4.00. Total profits? -$23.00 On top of that, I forgot to take a chair with me, and I had to spend the whole day standing or sitting on one of the suitcases...not comfortable. Oh, well....that's an artisan's life, I guess. The last week of this month there's going to be a fair at the outlet mall. I'm betting that one is going to go way better. You have to admit, at a hospital people are not in the mood of buying stuff. Not even for a newborn baby... And speaking of newborns, we have another pair of twin lambs...two girls. MEGA CUTE!!!! 8-) I'll post pics soon. I'll talk to you more later. Thanks to all visitors & my followers. You are so kind!!!!!! 8-)

Saturday, August 21, 2010

More Words of the LDS (Mormon) Prophets

"O Man, Remember, and Perish Not" (Mosiah 4:30)  Joseph Smith stated that "the great thing for us to know is to comprehend what God did institute before the foundation of the world" (Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, p. 320). On another occasion Joseph declared, "The great Jehovah contemplated the whole of the events connected with the earth, pertaining to the plan of salvation, before it rolled into existence, or ever 'the morning stars sang together' for joy; the past, the present, and the future were and are, with Him, one eternal 'now;' He knew of the fall of Adam, . . . of the depth of iniquity that would be connected with the human family, their weakness and strength, their power and glory . . . their crimes, their righteousness and iniquity; He comprehended the fall of man, and his redemption; . . . He knows the situation of both the living and the dead, and has made ample provision for their redemption, according to their several circumstances, and the laws of the kingdom of God, whether in this world, or in the world to come" (Teachings, p. 220). Our Heavenly Father and His Son, the great Jehovah, are eternal. Being eternal, They see each of us as eternal beings from beginning to end. While They know and understand our "good days" and our "bad days," Their plan and love for each for each us is eternal and spans the whole of our existence. They love to bless us as we are obedient to eternal laws and They encourage us to improve our lives through the Holy Spirit. It doesn't matter who we are or where we live, the circumstances of our birth, life, or death, or the physical and mental difficulties provided by our mortal bodies and surroundings, They have, within the universal and eternal plan of salvation, provided for each of us an earthly experience that proves us and lifts us to become our best selves-to become like Them. King Benjamin, in one of the greatest gospel sermons ever recorded, taught his people this plan of salvation that they might become the sons and daughters of Christ. Said Benjamin, "I say, that this is the man who receiveth salvation, through the atonement which was prepared from the foundation of the world for all mankind, which ever were since the fall of Adam, or who are, or who ever shall be, even unto the end of the world. And this is the means whereby salvation cometh. And there is none other salvation save this which hath been spoken of; neither are there any conditions whereby man can be saved except the conditions which I have told you" (Mosiah 4:7-8). Those conditions are simply "there shall be no other way nor means whereby salvation can come unto the children of men, only in and through the name of Christ" and we must humble ourselves and "become as little children, and believe that salvation was, and is, and is to come, in and through the atoning blood of Christ" (Mosiah 3:17-18). In addition, King Benjamin asks us to come to a knowledge of the goodness of God--of his power, wisdom, patience, long suffering, and love--and a knowledge of "the atonement which has been prepared from the foundation of the world" (Mosiah 4:6). This knowledge then requires of us to "trust in the Lord" and be "diligent in keeping his commandments" in faith unto the end of our lives. Benjamin reminds us that "man doth not comprehend all the things which the Lord can comprehend" (Mosiah 4:9). If indeed the Father knew us so well that he provided the plan of salvation through His Son, and "man doth not comprehend all the things which the Lord can comprehend," and as we are all children of a loving Heavenly Father, we should be careful in how we act, think about, and treat others. Joseph Smith, in a discussion on the justice of God in dealing with our actions, stated that in comparison to human law, the Lord could not be more cruel than man, "for He is a wise legislator, and His laws are more equitable, His enactments more just, and His decisions more perfect than those of man" (Teachings, p. 221). In our dealings with others, it is wise to heed the counsel of King Benjamin--"I would that ye should remember, and always retain in remembrance, the greatness of God, and your own nothingness, and his goodness and long-suffering towards you, unworthy creatures, and humble yourselves even in the depths of humility, calling on the name of the Lord daily, and standing steadfastly in the faith" (Mosiah 4:11). If we do this, we "shall always rejoice, and be filled with the love of God, and always retain a remission of [our] sins; and [we] shall grow in the knowledge of the glory of him that created [us], or in the knowledge of that which is just and true" (Mosiah 4:12). There are visible signs of those who have been born of Christ through the atonement. If we indeed call upon the Lord in humility and strive to live His gospel, we will be "filled with the love of God and "will not have a mind to injure one another, but to live peaceably, and to render to every man according to that which is his due" (Mosiah 4:13). The sign is then how we treat each other. Benjamin first stresses to parents how to treat their children (Mosiah 4:14-15), and then helps us to turn our attention to others around us. It seems one of the main focuses of Benjamin's words is to help us look upon others as ourselves, fellow brothers and sisters, and strive to help each other through this earth life and return to Father in heaven. If we truly want to retain a forgiveness of our sins and weaknesses, then we must help others in their needs, "administering to their relief, both spiritually and temporally" (Mosiah 4:26). In his desire to help us look upon others as we look upon ourselves, Benjamin doesn't want us to forget to "watch [ourselves], and [our] thoughts, and [our] words, and [our] deeds, and observe the commandments of God, and continue in the faith . . . even unto the end of [our] lives" (Mosiah 4:30). President Heber J. Grant taught this same principle from a different perspective when he said, "Every Latter-day Saint who is loyal to the principles of the gospel is not seeking wealth; he is not asking himself the question, 'What have I?' and 'What can I gain?' The true Latter-day Saint is asking, 'What can I do to better myself, to encourage those with whom I am associated, and to uplift the children of God?' That is the inspiration that comes to every Latter-day Saint who realizes the force of this gospel that we have espoused" (Gospel Standards, p. 95). Joseph Smith declared, "Let the Saints remember that great things depend on their individual exertion, and that they are called to be co-workers with us and the Holy Spirit in accomplishing the great work of the last days . . . let every selfish feeling be not only buried, but annihilated; and let love to God and man predominate, and reign triumphant in every mind, that their hearts may become like unto Enoch's of old, and comprehend all things, present, past and future, . . . waiting for the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ" (Teachings, p. 178-179). May we remember the eternal nature of our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ, and Their eternal love for each of us. May we learn and grow in our understanding of the plan of salvation, the saving power of the Atonement, and the eternal nature and brotherhood of each of us. May we be more understanding, more loving, and more obedient to the Lord's teachings. "O man, remember, and perish not" (Mosiah 4:30). Editor Latter-day Light

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Burning Buddies...
FIRST: Stock up on a bunch of empty little cans, such as sausages, potted meat, canned veggies, etc. Also, get some hurricane candles, regular cheap candles (unscented) and some thin and thick cardboard.
I kept them all under the kitchen sink until I was not able to open the door without having an avalanche of cans and candles attack me. 8-)

yep...Now you know my secrets...

Cut the cardboard in strips as wide as the height of the cans. This is not rocket science. So, you don't need to measure by the centimeter. Notice I didn't ask you to get a ruler... (See the little thingies in my fingernails? They area supposed to change color in the sunlight...8-))
OOPS!!! I forgot to tell you!! While you cut the cardboard, put your candles to melt on a saucepan you don't want to use to cook your family's favorite meal. In other words, you won't be able to use this pan for cooking again.
Now, after you have cut your strips, roll them up to form little rolls of cardboard. No need for tape or anything, just keep rolling them until they fit snuggly inside the can.
Nice and snug, but not too tight. You want to be able to pour wax in.
CAREFULLY pour in the melted wax candle. I use garden gloves because...well you can imagine...8-S
Allow to completely cool (overnight is fine).
Your own burner buddies. You can use these on camping trips, on family reunions, to keep the foot hot (as caterers do), etc.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

My First Artisan Fair!!!

I finally found out how to join some nearby artisan fairs. One will be held at the outlet mall the first weekend of October, and the other one is held EVERY FRIDAY at a local hospital. I'm so happy!! Now I have to organize my inventory of scrunchies, etc. Artisan Fairs are going on almost constantly here in Puerto Rico. You might know them as craft bazaars. They pop up everywhere; at sports events, patron saint festivities (which happen at least twice a month throughout the Island), grand openings, and almost every other event here. I will be setting up by myself, but that's ok, since I'll be so happy I'll get extra strength!!hehe This Friday's fair is only $25 for the whole day (8am-8pm), so I hope to sell lots more than that!! I'll post some pics of my set up, and will let you know how it goes. 8-D

Friday, August 6, 2010

ANOTHER FOLLOWER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I feel like a rock star!!!! I have TWO (2) followers. I never thought ANYONE would want to see what I wrote. Well, welcome & hope you enjoy!. Now I don't know what else to write! hehe 8-)

Another Scorcher of a Day!

Here in tropical Puerto Rico, temperatures are always in the 80's-ish. These past few days, however, it has been SUPER-UNCOMFORTABLY HOT! Right now, my Weather Channel desktop thingy says temp 91, feels like 106, humidity at 66%. Yesterday I drank at least a gallon of water throughout the day, yet didn't go to the bathroom at all. I just sweated it all out! My poor shee must be melting. Good thing they 'molted' their wool. Poor things! Now, I have to say one thing to Charles Darwin & his evolution theory. Sheep don't evolve! And they don't learn either! In this terrible heat, you find them grazing (happily?) out in the pasture, when they could be (or should be) under the tons of trees that would provide shade. I don't know...not very smart, I guess. So yesterday I provoked a yarn explosion in order to find the hammock that I started about a year ago. I found it! Now, my idea is to include plarn with the rug yarn, to make it more durable. I'll let you know how it turns out. I'll also include a pic. Back to the explosion. There was yarn all over my family room & my little hallway to the backyard. It was a lovely sight! However, since I don't live alone, & my husband doesn't understand the intricacies of yarn, I had to hurriedly hide everyting back before he came home from work. So, now, I'm demessing some cotton yarn, & working on the hammock, plus trying to play house when all I really want is to vegetate in front of my yarn. That's life. Take care... 8-)

Thursday, July 29, 2010

I HAVE A FOLLOWER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And her name (or his) is 'yarnambition'. Welcome to my world!!!!! I hope you don't think I'm crazy or anything...hehe I'm also on Ravelry & Facebook. If anybody wants to befriend me there, let me know by leaving a comment. Thanks!! 8-D

Monday, July 26, 2010

Today's Adventure

Ok, so, today everything was going as normal as things tend to go here in Manatí. As I was getting ready to feed the sheep & the chickens, I heard this racket; barking & chickens making tons of noise. It so hapenned that one of my chickens had jumped over the fence into my backyard & the dogs got it. Poor thing... My first instinct was to throw it away. Then I realized, 'hey, we can eat this!!' So I just left it by the patio entrance, called my husband, who gave me instructions on getting a pot of water boiling. When he got home (he was almost home when I called him), he taught me how to chop off the head (yuck!) & dip the chicken in the hot water for a few seconds. This opens up the pores & the feathers come out sooooooo easily!!!!! Like magic! I enjoyed that! Then we cleaned it up (I cleaned the gizzard, didn't know what was going to find inside...8-P )and got it ready to take to my sis-in-law. She offered to prepare an "asopao", which is soup with rice.......mmmmmmmmmmmmmm. It turned out DELICIOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Poor chicken, she had no idea at the beginning of the day that she would be supper the next. I need to let you know that I was not born in the country. I was born & raised in the big metro city of San Juan. So, I knew we could do something with the chicken, but needed my husband's expertise, because he's the one who was born & raised in the country. He also told me that cleaning & de-feathering the chicken is better done by one with the skills, as the person in the farmers' market place. All the perks without the mess...hehe Have you had any new experiences like this? Let me know! 8-)

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Words from the Apostles

"If you or someone you love is seeking purpose in life or a deeper conviction of God's presence in our lives, I offer, as a friend and as an Apostle, my witness. He lives!"Some may ask, how can I know this for myself? We know He lives because we believe the testimonies of His ancient and living prophets, and we have felt God's Spirit confirm that the testimonies of these prophets are true."From their testimonies, recorded in holy scripture, we know that '[God] created man, male and female, after his own image and in his own likeness' (D&C 20:18; see also Genesis 1:27; Moses 2:27)." Robert D. Hales, "Seeking to Know God, Our Heavenly Father, and His Son, Jesus Christ," Ensign, Nov. 2009, 29–30

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Atenas Knits & Crochets

That's the name I'm thinking about calling my new "business". I am going to sell berets and skinny scarves, baby bibs & decorated socks, plus a few other things I might come up with. So, stay tuned, as the next multimillionaire is on the horizon.....yeah, right! 8-D

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

More blessings...

Yesterday I discovered that the one hen who I had seen on & off had just hatched eight (8!)chickens!! When I went to feed the sheep and the other chickens, she came with her troop following. I was so excited!! They must have been born Sunday night/Monday morning. I keep thinking that baby chicks are the cutest babies of all. So tiny and fluffy!! My husband thinks we should somehow catch them and keep them in a cage (mom & chicks) to avoid feeding the local hawk ("guaraguao"). As soon as I get a picture, I'll post it here. 8-D

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The new artisan

Yesterday I went to PRIDCO, and registered to be an "official" artisan. This means I now have to register with Hacienda (tax purposes) [8-(] , and I get to go to the artisan fairs that are offered throughout the island. Cool. I met a new friend there, also. A girl from Bayamon who also knits & crochets. Her works are gorgeous!! And she's only been doing it for a year. Wow! That's talent! So today I continue knitting some berets, and I have to begin with the blanket I'm going to give to a church friend on her wedding. Today the weather is nice. It started out as a crisp 66 degrees Farenheit. Now it is 11:30 a.m., and it is already 86. I hope it doesn't get any warmer. Take care.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Good news & bad...

Hello, all; As a way of good news, I have to say that yesterday, Sunday, I was able to participate in half of the Sacrament Meeting and bear my testimony. You see, for the last couple of months, I haven't been able to get out of the house in time to reach Sacrament Mtng. Yesterday my mom ate faster, & didn't take as loooong, so I was able to leave the house at 9:20 (+/-)a.m. SM begins at 9 o'clock, so it was cool. The bad news, is that my baby hen died this morning. Yesterday she was all perky and fine during the day, and as I went to feed the sheep, she followed me fine, but then she got gloomy, my husband noticed she wasn't eating, I took her home with me, put her in a box with some water, and this morning she was dead...8-( My baby hen... So, anyway, today I have to buy some more corn, take my mom out for a ride, and plant some more seeds, plus dehydrate some basil. See ya!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


Hello; So I've decided to use this blog as a journal too. You see, we've been counseled by the Church that we should keep a journal (diary) as a way of preserving family history. I am a lousy diary keeper. But I was thinking, since I enjoy sitting in front of the computer, I might as well turn this into my journal. So...welcome to my blog/journal!!!! As a way of introducing myself, I'll just say I'm Puerto Rican born & bred. I've been a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints for over 30 years. I'm married, have a kid, and enjoy reading, knitting, crocheting, farming, and now blogging. 8-) I've been knitting & crocheting for almost three years now. I taught myself to do both, although I remember my mom trying to teach me to chain stitch & double crochet when I was a child. It didn't take, though, but I remembered how to chain stitch, so that was my beginning. As for my current knitting/crocheting I am preparing for evaluation to become a "certified" artisan in Puerto Rico. This means, they have to see my work, interview me, see if the work is worth selling, and then they "certify" me. This means that I get registered with the Puerto Rico Industrial Development Company (PRIDCO), and they invite me to all their public activities where artisans go. So.... I've been knitting baby clothes, hats, bookmarks, and crocheting the same, plus other thingies that I consider to be "novelties", and that not every other artisan/crocheter presents here in Puerto Rico. I have been making scrubbies ( for doing the dishes), hair bows, berets, fingerless mittens, and other unusual products. Granted, I get the ideas from patterns online, but then I alter them to my heart's content so I can sell them without infringing into anyone's copyrights. Soon I will update with pictures, etc. I have to go now, because I have to go feed my sheep & chickens, plus maybe plant some seeds and do some laundry. 8-)